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Pay Pal E-mail Scam (again)

This is a second post of a PayPal email scam that was received. You will see in the photo below some red flags why this is a scam.      The email message begins with Re: Asking me to verify my account. It seems to be a support/invoice/account activity email.  The actual email address is a combination of letters and numbers that don't resemble a legitimate email from PayPal or any other business for that matter. The .PDF attached is automatically disabled from being downloaded. Below the fictitious email is another fictitious email of which seems to be a customer this email is intended to be sent to.                                              Photo #1 Pay Pal E-mail Scam (again)                                           Photo #2 Pay Pal E-mail Scam...

Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam (Again)

This is a second post involving a keto shark tank email scam. I'm not sure how or why this scam still exist. I think it's become more of an annoyance then a scam.  However I will still post the pictures and information that I received.  Our typical red flags for this email scam are: The email name is an infinitely long combination of letters and numbers. I think the only difference than my last shark tank post is that the email list ABC.SHARK TANK as the sender, instead of just Keto Free Supply .  The images and links have already been disabled. There is very little text in the message body that explains the reason why its being sent to you. There is zero business information included in the text body of the email. A single one lined link isn't convincing enough.  Photo #1 ABC Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam  Photo #2 ABC Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam  Photo #3 ABC Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam  Photo #4 Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam

Next Day Loan E-mail Scam

This post involves a next day loan scam offering $15,000 dollars to you the next day or within 24 hours from someone or company called Zippy Loan .  The red flags are typical of any email scams.  A long bizarre string of letters and numbers for the senders email. No official proper name. Images and links being disabled.  There obviously isn't any business information.  There seems to be only one link to click on. Photo #1 Next Day Loan E-mail Scam - Zippy Loan

Purchase COVID-19 Masks E-mail Scam

Amidst the world's current COVID-19 pandemic a.k.a. Corona-virus. I received this email advertising me to purchase large quantities of 4 Layer protective masks.  Of course there is nothing wrong with selling protective face masks during the pandemic. I think we've all started seeing advertisements online and on T.V. I can see people clicking on this email and it's links out of desperation to purchase face masks.  This email advertisement raises some red flags for me. They are: A bizarre looking email. Yes, it's a gmail account, however, i don't recognize or can even pronounce the name. The images are automatically disabled. The 2 Links are automatically disabled. There is no business name, number, or even a website listing to tell me more about the product. Grant it they list a detailed information about the product but that can simply be copy/pasted. There is only a simple buy it now button to click on. I would expect a buy it now button with the business name (o...

Keto Diet E-mail Scam

This post topic involves the old Keto diet Shark Tank email scam. I'm not sure why we still see a lot of Keto diet scams. The keto diet isn't as popular as it once was. We already see enough of this garbage on info commercials in the middle of the night ( in the U.S.) If they sent an email out regarding free or discounted gym equipment, especially during the corona-virus quarantine that would be a different story. That would probably get plenty of victims. However, here are some red flags that should let you know this is a scam. The email name is an infinitely long combination of letters and numbers. The images and links have already been disabled. There is very little text in the message body that explains the reason why its being sent to you. There is zero business information included in the text body of the email. A single one lined link isn't convincing enough.  Photo #1 Keto Diet E-mail Scam Photo #2 Keto Diet E-mail Scam

The Home Alarm E-mail Scam

This blog post involves an email scam regarding a home alarm purchase. It was received a few days after the order of an official professional home alarm system.  This makes me question the integrity of the alarm company's website and what software its using to make the transaction (if any at all) . The red flags in this email are: The odd name of the email sender. The email recipient doesn't seem to have a name, it has a random amount of letters and numbers. The email subject has a long random amount of letters and numbers as well. The images are already disabled and blocked. The actual email content doesn't have any information just a simple statement with a link. It doesn't even mention or tell you to click the link. Photo #1 The Home Alarm E-mail Scam Photo #2 The Home Alarm E-mail Scam

Quicken Loans E-mail Scam

In the photos below it shows a sender trying to use the mortgage lender Quicken Loans to trick someone into a refinance. Some Red Flags to consider about the email: Its very generic looking there is no graphics or images of the Quicken Loans symbol. Yahoo, the email provider has disabled all the links and images. If you look in the picture with the subject & sender it is an extremely long, bizarre random grouping of letters and numbers.  Photo #1 Quicken Loans E-mail Scam  Photo #2 Quicken Loans E-mail Scam