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Fidelity Life (Affiliate??) E-mail Scam - Term Life Insurance

 Another short blog post involving a Fidelity life insurance ( Affiliate ) scam. This time instead of a $1 million dollar life insurance scam/policy. It mentions saving 70% on life insurance. Compared to what, i'm not sure... Anyways, the photo of the scam is below. Have a look! Typical red flags are: Bizarre email address. An extremely long obnoxious combination of letters and numbers. Disabled images in the body of the email.  Photo #1

PayPal E-mail Scam Re: [Mail Appointment] report verify account limit

 This post is going to be short. Its just one photo of a PayPal email scam. It is some kind of account verification/appointment in combination with a report to download that has been disabled.  I'm not sure what the email address   p aypal[at]int .paypal .com   means? The int is what gets me... The email itself is not even addressed to me. I am the Bcc on the email.  Take a look below. Photo #1 PayPal E-mail Scam Re: [Mail Appointment] verify account...

PayPal Service Suspended - Email Scam

This post is going to be about yet another PayPal scam. Except this time the email is addressing the PayPal account holder and telling them that their account has been suspended.  Here are a few legitimate red flags . There is a bizarre email address with no name or company address, however, it does have a . uk domain  at the end. So maybe this scam originates from the UK?  The email address seems to have a randomly generated combination of letters and numbers. I must mention the PayPal logo looks professional but anyone can make and edit any company logo. Especially nowadays.  Take a look at the photos below. Photo #1 PayPal Service Suspended - Email Scam     Photo #2 PayPal Service Suspended - Email Scam Photo #3 PayPal Service Suspended - Email Scam Photo #4 PayPal Service Suspended - Email Scam Photo #5

Global Life Insurance E-mail Scam

This post involves Life insurance scams with Global Life Insurance. Some red flags and things to watch out for are below. Check out the pictures below. Of course the first thing to notice is the bizarre email address that was used. The sender also wants you to enter your zip code. The images are already blocked and hidden. An obnoxious amount of life insurance money being offered. Whether it's $1 , $100,000 or $1,000,000.  Photo #1 Global Life Insurance E-mail Scam Photo #2 Global Life Insurance E-mail Scam Photo #3 Global Life Insurance E-mail Scam Photo #4 Global Life Insurance E-mail Scam Photo #5 Global Life Insurance E-mail Scam

ADT Home Alert E-mail Scam

This post involves a ADT Home Alert E-mail Scam. Naturally the sender wants you to click on any or all links in the body of the email. The red flags and picture is below. Of course the first thing to notice is the bizarre email address that was used. The sender also wants you to enter your zip code. The images are already blocked and hidden. And, as always, your free quote has arrived statement...  Photo #1 ADT Home Alert E-mail Scam Photo #2 ADT Home Alert E-mail Scam Photo #3 ADT Home Alert E-mail Scam

Pay Pal E-mail Scam (again)

This is a second post of a PayPal email scam that was received. You will see in the photo below some red flags why this is a scam.      The email message begins with Re: Asking me to verify my account. It seems to be a support/invoice/account activity email.  The actual email address is a combination of letters and numbers that don't resemble a legitimate email from PayPal or any other business for that matter. The .PDF attached is automatically disabled from being downloaded. Below the fictitious email is another fictitious email of which seems to be a customer this email is intended to be sent to.                                              Photo #1 Pay Pal E-mail Scam (again)                                           Photo #2 Pay Pal E-mail Scam...

Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam (Again)

This is a second post involving a keto shark tank email scam. I'm not sure how or why this scam still exist. I think it's become more of an annoyance then a scam.  However I will still post the pictures and information that I received.  Our typical red flags for this email scam are: The email name is an infinitely long combination of letters and numbers. I think the only difference than my last shark tank post is that the email list ABC.SHARK TANK as the sender, instead of just Keto Free Supply .  The images and links have already been disabled. There is very little text in the message body that explains the reason why its being sent to you. There is zero business information included in the text body of the email. A single one lined link isn't convincing enough.  Photo #1 ABC Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam  Photo #2 ABC Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam  Photo #3 ABC Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam  Photo #4 Keto Shark Tank E-mail Scam