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E-mail Scam regarding a loan

 This post is about a Asian E-mail Scam regarding a loan.  Its very simple and I have never encountered something like this. It as if someone got lazy and didn't even put any effort into trying to scam some one.  It simply just asks a question in the body of the email.  Some red flags are: It seems to be an email blast because its addressed to recipients and not anyone in particular.  It just asks one simple question and there are no links to click on to apply for a loan. I guess it's just hoping you reply directly.  Finally, the subject is in some Asian language. Not sure if its Chinese, Japanese etc... Regardless I wouldn't trust this. Take a look at the photo below. Photo #1 Random Asian E-mail Scam regarding a loan

Credit Bureaus E-mail Scam (Experian, Equifax, Trans-Union)

 This post involves a credit bureaus email scam.  It mentions that your credit scores have changed. The red flags to notice here are: You wouldn't be randomly notified via email that your credit score(s) have changed. Especially from all three   bureaus   that are   from a third party sender. The email subject line is typed very oddly with notifications mentioned and underscores within each word. There are once again disabled images. There is a weird email address named simplebrain[.]com. Whatever that means..? It asks you to click on the images above if they don't automatically show up, so this scammer is already aware that your email provider is going to flag them as a threat.  Finally there are big red words that seem to be a link asking you to click for your credit score.  Take a look at the pictures below. Photo #1 Credit Bureaus E-mail Scam (Experian, Equifax, Trans-Union)  Photo #2 Credit Bureaus E-mail Scam (Experian, Equifax, Trans-Un...

JP Morgan Chase Bank E-mail Scam (Account Update)

 This post involves an email scam from a well known reputable large bank.  I think most would know that this is a scam based on the fact that you would know who you bank with.  Some of the red flags are:  You would know who you bank with. Bizarre random email address.  A bank notification number within the bizarre email address area.  The scammer is phishing hoping to find someone that banks with JP Morgan Bank.  Some things to note about the email, It mentions you have signed up for paperless statements. I would hope one would know if they did or not and realize this is a scam. Along with the fact that you know who you bank with.  Take a look at the photos below. Photo #1 JP Morgan Bank E-mail Scam (Account Update) Photo #2 JP Morgan Bank E-mail Scam (Account Update) Photo #3 JP Morgan Bank E-mail Scam (Account Update)

Apple E-mail Scam (Payment/Invoice)

 This post involves yet another Apple E-mail Scam involving  a Payment/Invoice. The red flags for this one are: Disabled invoice/receipt attachments. It is a forwarded message.  The message/subject has FW: in it. The email has blocked images. The invoice involves a Tinder app purchase. I know I didnt purchase anything from that garbage app, and I think you would know if you did also. Check out the picture below. Photo #1 Apple E-mail Scam (Payment/Invoice)

Airport package(s) E-mail scam

Who is Mr. James Williams??? This post involves an email scam that wants me or anyone who receives the email to pick up a few packages at an airport that someone apparently abandoned? In this case its the Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International airport. It explains that the packages traveled from the United Kingdom, to JF Kennedy Airport, then on to Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International airport.  The context of the email and its red flags are: A United Nations Inspection Head officer  An undisclosed sum of money.  The package or boxes contain about $10 million or more. The packages traveled through/with a diplomat. Take a look at the photos below. Photo #1 Airport package(s) E-mail scam  Photo #2 Airport package(s) E-mail scam  Photo #3 Airport package(s) E-mail scam 

PayPal Email Scam (Statement/Invoice Summary)

 This is another post involving a PayPal Email Scam (Statement/Invoice Summary).  The red flags the email sent was offering: Business/Operations support offering some type of protection. An obnoxiously long generic email that doesn't make any sense. A disabled email attachment which seems to be an statement/invoice.  Some other things to note about this email is that the subject line starts with RE:,  which sends off a message that [me] or the sender contacted them first. The subject line also seems to have the whole email message in it. Rather than in the body of the email itself.  Also, I and probably anyone else doesn't know what PayPal Easiness limited is. Or, PayPal Limited Operation is...? Here are the photos below.     Photo #1 PayPal Email Scam (Statement/Invoice Summary)      Photo #2 PayPal Email Scam (Statement/Invoice Summary)      Photo #3 PayPal Email Scam (Statement/Invoice Summary)    ...

Fidelity Life (Affiliate??) E-mail Scam - Term Life Insurance

 Another short blog post involving a Fidelity life insurance ( Affiliate ) scam. This time instead of a $1 million dollar life insurance scam/policy. It mentions saving 70% on life insurance. Compared to what, i'm not sure... Anyways, the photo of the scam is below. Have a look! Typical red flags are: Bizarre email address. An extremely long obnoxious combination of letters and numbers. Disabled images in the body of the email.  Photo #1