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COVID-19 the W.H.O. & W.B.O. Email Scam

 This post involves an email scam involving our current COVID-19 "Pandemic" along with The World Health Organization. AND.. the World Bank Organization . It's very crafty given the worlds circumstances. Here are a few red flags to pay attention too.  The W.H.O. & the W.B.O. are sending out $800 billion dollars to "spread around the world". As if thats enough to spread...? The email itself does not have good grammar. At the top of the email it states "W.H.O. Foundation Grant". I think it would be more believable if it was titled "W.H.O. Grant Foundation". At least in the U.S. They are offering me a large sum of money. $300,000 USD..? The email also wants me to contact the The World Health Organization claims office..? I didn't know they had a claims office. It's nice to see they left me with an email donation code with an email to send them my full name so they can process my claim.  What's interesting though, is that they us...

CASH APP Email Scam

 This post involves a CASH APP Email Scam received.  Some huge red flags are listed below. As usual, the senders email address is an obnoxiously long combination of letters and numbers with an invalid domain name.  The email header is bizarre and unprofessional as well.  The To: recipients email address is bizarre as well, with an invalid domain name. You would think it would be your email since your account was supposedly compromised. I dont think is going to cut it.  Also, the email footer is professional. It doesn't have any type of business address listing. It just states @ Square Inc. I would at least place a company logo down there.   Take a look at the photos below. CASH APP Email Scam 2020 CASH APP Email Scam 2020 CASH APP Email Scam 2020

Amazon Email Scam (Photos below) - Account Locked

Updated March 2023 Amazon Account Locked  This post involves an updated Amazon Email and Texting Scam.  The two Additional Photos are below. Some things to notice in the photos below are:  Amazon's email is a long combination of letters and numbers followed by the @ symbol which should be a valid domain such as Gmail, Yahoo or However it is listed as @g3oiooqw.7wtvf. So whatever that means, I have no idea.  It has a very nice looking verify account button to click on, however the message in the email states that there was unauthorized activity and wants to permanently lock your account.  Now, if I was Jeff Bezos the last thing I would want to do is lock my customers account  permanently !? So that's a big enough red flag in it self. Check out the photos below. Amazon Texting Scam 2022 Amazon Texting Scam 2022 Amazon Email Scam 2020 Amazon Email Scam 2020 Amazon Email Scam 2020 Amazon Email Scam 2023 Account Locked Amazon Email Scam 2023 Account ...

Life Insurance E-mail Scams

 This post involves 3 life insurance scams. One from Liberty Mutual, the second from Select Quote Info and the third for veterans, from a site called Veterans Insurance Discount. I highly recommend not visiting any of these sites for obvious reasons. (I'm not sure if they even exist) I suspect they are not the real Liberty Mutual and Select Quote Insurance companies. Some red flags are listed below followed by some photos. The images are already disabled and blocked from downloading to your local PC. The sender email address seems to be a newsletter address. Side note: There seems to be a trend with scam emails that I've been noticing. They tend to have netedesign & plusinmedia in the email domains.  Check out the photos below.                     Photo #1 Life Insurance E-mail Scams  Photo #2 Life Insurance E-mail Scams  Photo #3 Life Insurance E-mail Scams 

PayPal E-mail Scam - Account Restricted

 This yet is another PayPal E-mail Scam - Account Restricted version . Below you'll see the red flags and photos of the entire email that was received.  Extremely long sender email address. Combination of letters and numbers that have no meaning.  An unusual email subject heading that begins with RE : . ..  It mentions that the account is temporarily restricted vs. disabled. Restricted from what I'm not sure?? I guess their hoping we click the links to find out.  I have to give them credit for the images in the email. It goes the extra mile to include the app store images as well as legal information at the bottom of the email as well.  Check out the photos below. Photo #1  PayPal E-mail Scam - Account Restricted Photo #2 PayPal E-mail Scam - Account Restricted Photo #3 PayPal E-mail Scam - Account Restricted Photo #4 PayPal E-mail Scam - Account Restricted Photo #5 PayPal E-mail Scam - Account Restricted Photo #6 PayPal E-mail Scam - Acc...

Publishers Clearing House E-mail Scam

 This post involves a Publishers Clearing House E-mail Scam. Seems like there trying to bate someone for $850,000 dollars.  I didn't even think that Publishers Clearing House still existed... Take a look at the red flags and photos below. The email subject doesn't even contain a subject. Its just an abbreviation with random numbers. The winning dollar amount is an extremely high number.  The scammer is pretty crafty adding a lot of demographical information, and how to respond via phone or email.  The email  name <> next to Publishers Clearing House. I'm confident in thinking that it's not coming from someone in the U.S. because they spelled the word ' check ' with a que   ( checque ). Maybe from a country in the Caribbean or an African nation..? Photo #1 Publishers Clearing House E-mail Scam Photo #2 Publishers Clearing House E-mail Scam Photo #3 Publishers Clearing House E-mail Scam

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank E-mail Scam

 This post contains an email scam posing to be from J.P. Morgan Chase Bank and its fraud alert system. Its a clever one, as it even has a button to click on that states your online banking ha s been disabled.  The typical scam red flags are listed below. The email sender doesn't have a professional or properly worded name. NOTIFICATION ID 1180 isn't going to cut-it. Not to mention the subject header.  There are links in the email that have already been disabled.  The message states that your account has been disabled due to multiple incorrect log-in attempts. One would hope that the account holder knows about their failed log-in attempts, and already requested an account reset.  Side note: Hopefully nobody falls victim to this if they dont bank at this institution.      Photo #1   Photo #2 J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Fraud Alert E-mail Scam