Updated March 2023
Additional Photos Below
This blog post is about an Amazon E-mail Scam regarding Locked Account.
**This post has pictures of both Invalid and Valid E-mails from Amazon.**
In-valid photos are at the top.
Valid photos are at the bottom.
In this post I will point out the red flags about this email proving that this is a scam and not from Amazon.
The e-mail subject header starts out stating "About: We've locked your access as a security precaution."
One would be concerned about this because we use Amazon daily and have our credit cards and other personal and financial information stored on the website.
The email does look professional. There is a proper body, footer, Amazon logo and format. There is even a provided link for you to click to resolve the issue towards the bottom.
The email also addresses you professionally with a greeting followed by your personal email.
Hello, [your e-mail]...
However, I wouldn't be so quick to click on any links to address this supposed issue.
Below you will find some red flags with pictures from this email.
The red flags of this specific email are:
1. You will notice the email name Noreply@ Amz .com. Followed by a long string of numbers and letters that are not even organized with the company name.
2. The email address has no legit Amazon name or structure.
3. There isn't even an Amazon image with the email profile.
All these are red flags that you should notice, be aware of and proceed with caution.
*Notice what has been circled in yellow.*
Invalid E-mail Pictures.
***Valid photos below***
These are valid E-mails from Amazon. Specifically after you order an item.
Notice the highlighted text that validates the email.
Valid E-mails from Amazon
Valid E-mails from Amazon
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