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Amazon E-mail Scam ~ Locked Account (Updated 2023)

Updated March 2023 Additional Photos Below  This blog post is about an Amazon E-mail Scam regarding Locked Account. **This post has pictures of both Invalid   and Valid E-mails from Amazon.** In-valid photos are at the top. Valid photos are at the bottom. In this post I will point out the red flags about this email proving that this is a scam and not from Amazon. The e-mail subject header starts out stating " About: We've locked your access as a security precaution. " One would be concerned about this because we use Amazon daily and have our credit cards and other personal and financial information stored on the website. The email does look professional. There is a proper body, footer, Amazon logo and format. There is even a provided link for you to click to resolve the issue towards the bottom. The email also addresses you professionally with a greeting followed by your personal email.  Hello, [your e-mail]... However, I wouldn't be so quick to click on any li...

Receiving invoice: PayPal E-mail Scam

 This post involves a PayPal e-mail scam involving receiving an invoice for payment. (Images below) * Updated   (Nov. 29th, 2022) with additional photo. Same invoice amount ($399.99) but different name. * 2nd Update (Dec. 1st, 2022) with additional photos. Different invoice amount ($599.99) different name (again).  See latest photos at the bottom. I've highlighted Suspect information in yellow in some pictures. You'll notice at the top, that the email does say in has been verified by Yahoo's e-mail service. It provides an invoice number and the sender has a common name.  The format and PayPal logo images in the e-mail are designed very well. It gives you payment options.  It gives you a link to make those payment options. However some red flags that you'll find and to be aware of in the e-mail are: 1. Yahoo has shown a verified sender, however, it does caution us to mark it as spam. 2. The e-mail recipients domain seems ...

Fed-Ex E-mail Scam

 This post is about a Fed-ex email and text message scam that wants you to respond to a package delivery notification. See pictures below.  ** Updated ** (01/21/2023) Updated post with a scam text message and additional pictures with a false link provided.  Text message red flags: First and foremost, if your not expecting a package from Fed-ex then you should completely disregard the text and block the phone number. The text message has a legit phone number and is not a VOIP which usually are scams. A legit phone number could easily fool anyone.  However, the link is highly suspect and not a legit Fed-ex text message.  The primary reason is because the link does not show any reference to Fed-ex and how it handles tracking their packages.  1. There are no references to with the link provided. 2. The link provided is a random string of numbers and letters. Capitalized and lowercase.  3. There are no sign-up options for tracking the package. The...

DHL E-mail Scam

 This blog post involves a DHL e-mail scam that wants the user to confirm a suspended package delivery. Some red flags and photos are listed below. Red Flags: 1. The e-mail domain has a random string of numbers and letters that doesn't have any reference to the  DHL company. 2. There are no DHL company logos. 3. The images in the e-mail are automatically blocked. 4. The link is suspect and wants you to confirm your package delivery that is "suspended".  DHL E-mail Scam

The Wells Fargo Texting Scam (Photos Below)

 The Wells Fargo Texting Scam (Account de-activated). Received a Wells Fargo Text about Well Fargo Bank account being locked and unable to access.  It's bizarre why I would receive a text from Wells Fargo  about a bank account being locked and unable to access. Especially if you didn't receive any packages and more importantly if you don't bank with Wells Fargo. See Picture Below: Wells Fargo   Texting Scam 2022

Chase Banking System E-mail with European SQL address

 E-mail scam with European "SQL" address This post post involves an email scam in the guise of J.P. Morgan Chase Bank. The e-mail is suspicious yet obvious to the average banking customer.  The sender uses a modified web domain address similar to the bank, Chase .co ., instead of using the domain .com . For the regular online banking customer this should be obvious it is a false e-mail address, however to the individual who is unaware how to recognize fraudulent e-mail's and the addresses that are used chances are higher that they would click open the e-mail and have malicious software or virus downloaded on to their PC.  Below are the images captured from the fraudulent e-mail scam. E-mail with European SQL address E-mail showing a . co domain instead of . com address

[h'ome] Depot & Lowe's Email Marketing Scam

 This blog post involves a Home Depot  & Lowe's Marketing Email Scam. The title of the email tells it's shoppers that "we have a surprise for you". Just click the link to get started! 😑 The red flags and photos of the scam are below: Red Flags : 1. You'll notice a really long odd email domain name thats not professional and has no words in it that references Home Depot  &  Lowe's . 2. The sender and title of the email doesn't even reflect Home Depot  &  Lowe's  itself. It's not even spelled properly in the email heading. 3. Lastly the email that is sent is very generic looking. Yes, it has pictures however thats pretty much it. It's simply asking the recipient to click the links for the special offers. You would think the scammer would be more creative than this.  View the pictures below. Lowe's Email Scam Lowe's Email Scam     This  Photo  is the First and most important  Red Flag Lowe's Email Scam   ...